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substantia nigras造句

"substantia nigras"是什么意思  
  • Effect of manganese on activity of neuron specific enolase in substantia nigra of filial rats
  • It is believed to be jump-started by a loss of neurons in a midbrain region called the substantia nigra
  • Evaluating value of the ratio of the width of pars compacta of substantia nigra to midbrain diameter in parkinson's disease
  • In one study, glutathione levels were reduced by 40 % in the substantia nigra in early stage parkinson's disease ( 7 )
  • Experimental study on neuroprotective effects of preconditioning with 3np on prognosis of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra of 6-ohda-lesioned pd rats
  • Parkinson's disease arises from genetic and possibly neurotoxic causes that produce massive cell death of the neuromelanin-containing dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra
  • The lowered glutathione values and increased oxidative stress are thought to be responsible for the loss of dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra in parkinson's disease patients ( 7, 8 )
  • In parkinson's disease nerve cells slowly degenerate in the part of the mid-brain ( the substantia nigra layer of the basal ganglia ) that controls movement, resulting in progressive loss of muscular co-ordination and balance
  • When someone with a susceptible genetic background encounters certain environmental factors, such as pesticides or other chemicals [ see box on this page ], the cells in that individual's substantia nigra suffer more stress and accumulate more misfolded proteins than do the same cells in other people
  • In the present study, in order to investigate the effects of endogenous estrogen on the daergic terminals in amy and the daergic neurons in midbrain, fast cyclic voltammetry ( fcv ) was used to examine da release evoked by electrical stimulation from amy of female rats in different phases of estrus cycle, ovx rats and male rats . and tyrosine hydroxylase ( th ) immunohistochemi stry was employed to measure the numbers of daergic neurons of ventral tegmental area ( vta ) and substantia nigra ( snc ) in the rats
  • It's difficult to see substantia nigras in a sentence. 用substantia nigras造句挺难的
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